Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Ways that our cat is like Jesus

So, when I told my husband that our cat wanted him to go pick the kids up from school, he replied that the cat had no thought about getting the kids from school and that I was projecting concepts onto the cat that he has never had, like people have projected concepts onto Jesus that He probably never would have imagined.
So, I thought it might be good to just name the cat Jesus.
Then we could yell "Jesus, get off of the kitchen table!"
And there are other ways that the cat is like Jesus.
He has more than one life.
He thinks he is God.
He is celibate.
No one really understands him.
The dogs sometimes want to eat him.  (Matt. 26:26)
He does not care what people think about what he does.
He is not a follower.

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